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Philadelphia Flyers

Minnesota Wild

Wolfsburg Grizzly Adams

Philadelphia Flyers
in the treatment
of concussions
Nouvelles //
Nov 12, 2013
The Concussion Crisis: Anatomy of a Silent Epidemic interview with Dr. Dave Ellemberg.
June 15, 2013
Flyers defenseman Marc-Andre Bourdon takes long view about resuming career.

A First Class Team //
At ATHLETE F1RST, we understand your need to feel at your very best and to profit from your fullest potential.
Depending on your needs, our experts actively participate in your treatment to allow you to quickly find yourself back at the top of your game and to stay there as long as possible.
ATHLETE F1RST is a key partner in helping you achieve your goals
François Chaput, D.C.

Concussion //
Blows to the head can have a number of different consequences.
At ATHLETE F1RST, we offer a solution that takes into account the mechanical, biochemical, neurological, and emotional consequences of a concussion or blow to the head.
Each blow to the head is unique and there is no single therapy. That is why it is important to rely on qualified professionals.